
The Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) is a quarterly non-profit public health bulletin. It serves as an information sharing platform where public health reports and studies are collected and compiled to inform key policy-making procedures. It ensures that public health professionals have access to timely and updated research evidence necessary to control and minimize the effect of potential public health threats in the country. 

General Presentation 

The originality of contents of articles and their authenticity is the main philosophy of this bulletin. The involvement of scientific (medical) writers not listed among authors or anyone else who assisted in the manuscript preparation, should be acknowledged, along with their source of funding.. Authors are required to declare that any competing financial or other interests are not linked to their work. This is how it should be stated: “The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests”. Otherwise, all competing interests should be declared and listed at the end of the manuscript. The editor declines all responsibilities; which in fact, go legally to concerned authors. Any related or discovered plagiarism disrupts the credibility of the article, and leads to its rejection. However, in case, the article was already published, this bulletin has the obligation of stating it in the next publication with all prejudices and modifications required.

Authors who wish to appeal a rejection or any third person who wishes to make a complaint should contact the Editor-in-Chief ( He will ensure the provision of all details concerning the bulletin’s complaints procedure.

Main Language 

Only articles in English are accepted. Please note that the RPHB only publishes manuscripts in written English. Poor English should not prevent acceptance provided the paper's content is of high scientific quality. Click manuscript submission to submit your manuscript.


Disease surveillance summaries, evaluation of public health interventions, Public health notices, outbreak reports, case reports, case studies, opinion articles, commentaries, original research papers, and policy briefs/notes. Submission of a manuscript implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that they are bound to this bulletin’s internal rules. All Informed consent must be documented. A complete and explicitly process for registration of required trials to the suitable public registry is mandatory. The publication of unregistered scientific work is possible but may require rigorous selection; however, the entitled process register will be clearly stated to the article. Thereof, accepted registration should be in any of the existing registries: www. and/or and/or in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. The trial registration number should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract.


Opinions expressed in the “Rwanda Public Health Bulletin” are those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Board or the Publisher. Authors hold the sole responsibility of views expressed in their texts. The mention of specific companies or certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that these are endorsed or recommended in preference to other ones of a similar nature. All rights reserved. No part of publications under this bulletin can be reproduced, stored in the retrieve system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the publisher.


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