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Dear readers,
It is with pleasure to welcome you to the latest issue of the Rwanda Public Health Bulletin, a platform that has been at the forefront of disseminating important insights and knowledge to the healthcare and research community in Rwanda and internationally. In this issue, we focus on the use of data in public health policymaking, mainly tackling maternal and child health problems.
In a world of plentiful information, leveraging the power of data is important for making informed health decisions. This issue features health policy briefs as the outcomes of the Data to Policy (D2P) Program, a collaborative effort between Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC), CDC Foundation, and Vital Strategies to improve the use of data health policymaking in Rwanda. This initiative is more than just a collection of facts; it is a revolutionary approach to developing data-driven policies tackling some of the problems of health priories with a positive impact on the health and well-being of the Rwandan population on the health and well-being of Rwandan population. The D2P Program demonstrates Rwanda's commitment to evidence-based decision-making. population. The D2P Program demonstrates Rwanda's commitment to evidence-based decision-making. This program aims to close the gap between

As you read through the pages of this bulletin’s issue, you will come across policy brief articles about cervical cancer screening, preventing malaria in children under 5, and immunization coverage to prevent outcomes. Apart from policy briefs, you will get insights on the quality of hemodialysis service assessment using key indicators.
assessment using key indicators.

I applaud the devotion of everyone who participated in the implementation of D2P, and the production of policy briefs in particular, for their hard work gathering, analyzing, and interpreting the data that influences our health policies and policy brief writing. I encourage health professionals and leaders to implement health policy options recommended by policy briefs in order to Rwanda's disease burden througn health promotion and disease prevention

May this issue of the Rwanda Public Health Bulletin inspire and inform, developing a better awareness of the critical role data plays in shaping policies that benefit our communities. I am grateful to the contributors, editors, and everyone else who helped make this publication possible.

Category: Foreword

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